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0 524

Common treatments for venous reflux disease

Also known as venous insufficiency, venous reflux disease is a medical condition where the valves in the veins of the legs malfunction, allowing blood to pool instead of being pushed back up towards the heart. Read on to learn about... Read more
0 314

Minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins

Patients who have varicose veins are advised by their doctors to try conservative treatments such as changing their lifestyle, wearing compression stockings and elevating their legs when they are resting. But if your varicose veins bother you, you don’t need... Read more
0 379

How to improve the health of your veins

If you are prone to spider or varicose veins, there are some self-care measures you can take to improve your vein health and decrease any discomfort that is caused by diseased veins. Read on to learn more about some simple... Read more
0 325

How sclerotherapy works to erase spider veins

With age comes wisdom…and spider veins. Those clusters of purple, blue and red squiggly lines under the skin aren’t usually painful, but they can be unsightly for those who get them. Luckily, a treatment called sclerotherapy can effectively remove this... Read more
0 348

Should I Get a Vein Screening?

According to the American Society for Vascular Surgery, at least 20 to 25 million Americans have varicose veins. With numbers like that, you might be wondering if you also have varicose veins. If you’ve ever wondered if you have vein... Read more
0 332

Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant, you know your body will be changing and adapting. However, there might be a few changes that you weren’t quite expecting while you’re expecting. One of those unexpected changes is varicose veins. But don’t worry, experiencing varicose... Read more


Call 817.235.0769 to schedule your screening and see how Southwest Vein and Leg Center’s Venous Reflux treatments can improve your health and quality of life.


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