When you have varicose veins, it can make things like dressing up for holiday parties make you feel a little bit self-conscious, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to wear that little black dress that you’ve been too embarrassed to wear then make this year the year that you do that. From wearing compression stockings to getting some exercise, this article will list a few ways that you can reduce the appearance of varicose veins just in time for the holidays.

Compression Stockings

Did you know that compression stockings can help you get rid of those unwanted varicose veins? And, compression stockings don’t have to be ugly. In fact, you can get black compression stockings that look like black tights which means that you’ll get to fight your veins while wearing your little black dress. How’s that for multi-tasking?


Sclerotherapy is a popular varicose vein treatment that involves using a saline solution and injecting it into the veins. Once the veins have been injected with this solution, it causes them to collapse and become absorbed by the body ultimately. As long as we treat your varicose veins with sclerotherapy early on in the month, you should be ready to show off your virtually vein-free legs at your holiday parties.


If you don’t already get regular exercise, then make December the month to do it. Although exercise won’t guarantee that you won’t have to wear tights with your little black dress, it can help to increase blood circulation which will lower the appearance of your veins.

Let this year be the year that you get to wear a little black dress without feeling self-conscious about your varicose veins. To learn more about varicose vein treatment, contact either our Fort Worth or Cleburne locations.


Call 817.235.0769 to schedule your screening and see how Southwest Vein and Leg Center’s Venous Reflux treatments can improve your health and quality of life.


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